Management of Pharyngeal Cancer Using Hand Healing: A Brief Case Study


On 2 April 2012 the patient was diagnosed with stage 4 pharyngeal cancer at the Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR. The patients received checks that included blood tests, x-rays, and an endoscopy.


Method and Treatment

The patient attended the clinic to begin a course of healing immediately after initial blood tests on 19 March 2012. Following diagnosis, the patient was recommended to receive surgery and a chemotherapy course at hospital but opted not to.

The patient underwent a course of hand healing through a technique developed by Dr Tomita. This method is based on Reverend Rosalyn L Bruyere of the Healing Light Center Church’s whole-body technique of Chelation. The process involves the rebalancing of chakra to create stability in the electromagnetic fields. Energy is moved up the patient’s body from the feet, through the major chakra system, to the crown chakra.

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The patient received multiple endoscopies throughout the healing process.



The x-ray showed a large mass below the tongue.



Four endoscopies were carried out, on 19 March (top right), 16 April (top left), 25 April (bottom right), and 7 May (bottom left).

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The endoscopies show a clear improvement to the mucous membrane as the inflammation reduces and the capillaries become more visible. This indicates a constant reduction to the cancer across the healing period.



After 5 healing treatment sessions there was a visible improvement in the primary lesion of the cancer, demonstrated in the endoscopic photographs taken by the Cancer Institute Ariake hospital. The evidence for the positive effects of the healing course is strengthened as the patient received no other medical treatments.

After healing was discontinued, a report was received that the patient later opted for a newly developed chemotherapy course to address the remaining cancer, and passed away during the chemotherapy course. This demonstrates the dangers of the strains current medical procedures to address cancers put on the body.

Takashi Tomita