Management of Breast Cancer Using Hand Healing: A Brief Case Study


From 5 to 24 May 2014 the patient was diagnosed with lung cancer at Yotsuya Medical Cube. The patient received various checks including a mammography test, MRI, and PET-CT. On 9 June 2010 the patient received a mammectomy.

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Method and Treatment

Before beginning other medical therapies, the patient began a healing treatment course. The patient attended the clinic four times before her initial operation.

The patient underwent a course of hand healing through a technique developed by Dr Tomita. This method is based on Reverend Rosalyn L Bruyere of the Healing Light Center Church’s whole-body technique of Chelation. The process involves the rebalancing of chakra to create stability in the electromagnetic fields. Energy is moved up the patient’s body from the feet, through the major chakra system, to the crown chakra.

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Following the operation the patient received a course of radiation therapy, starting on 26 June 2010.

Patient reports in the form of interviews were collected, along with the results of a follow-up Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay.



The results of the operation were very positive, and the patient made accounts of the doctor showing surprise by the findings. Following the operation the patient received a course of radiation therapy. There were also no or very little aftereffects from the radiation. The lack of aftereffects also surprised the radiologist, evidenced by the recommendation to receive an Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay, an expensive genomic test that cannot be performed in Japan, to help the doctors figure out the risk of recurrence. Tissue samples were sent to Genomic Health, Inc. in California, USA.

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The results showed a Breast Cancer Recurrence Score of 7, indicating a very low 6% chance of distant recurrence (recurrence within ten years). Because of these results the doctors concluded that the patient did not require chemotherapy.



The reduction in apparent side-effects of the radiation therapy and speed in recovery are most likely due to the healing treatment. It is also very unusual in such cases that the patient not require chemotherapy. Finally the results of the Assay were incredibly positive, which cannot be attributed to the radiation therapy.

If an Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay had been performed following healing treatment but before the initial operation, to evidence the positive results of healing, one could imagine there is a chance the attending doctors would have deemed no operation necessary.

This indicates towards the positive effects of healing treatment on reducing side-effects of other medical treatments, and in reducing the chance of recurrence of cancers such as breast cancer.


Takashi Tomita