Management of Sertoli Cell Tumour Using Hand Healing: A Brief Case Study


On 12 May 2014 the patient was diagnosed with testicular cancer of the right middle lobe at Showa General Hospital. Later examinations were conducted and the patient was diagnosed with a sertoli cell tumour, a rare sex cord-gonadal stromal tumour.

A report by the Showa General Hospital issued on 7 September 2015 stated that the patient was admitted to hospital on 7 May 2014 due to an inflammation of the right scrotum. The upper part of the right testicle was removed, the patient underwent pathological examination, and was diagnosed with a high possibility of a malignant sertoli cell tumour. Metastasis was first undiscovered, but follow-up treatments found severe metastasis to bones (C7, Th3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, Th6 left Proc. Transversus, L3, sternum, left 6th rib, left ilium, left publics). The patient began a chemotherapy course (BEP, VIP) and saw an initial metastasis PR and trend reduction.

From 23 March 2015 to 7 August the patient received chemotherapy, 5-course (BPE therapy). A reduction in the cancer could first be observed however the treatment began to lose effectiveness and no more metastasis was found. The patient also reported continued pain due to the medical treatment. The doctors informed the patient that the treatment proved ineffective and was only prolonging the patient’s life temporarily, with which the patient discontinued the chemotherapy course, and on 4 September 2015 came to the healing clinic.


Method and Treatment

The patient underwent a course of hand healing through a technique developed by Dr Tomita. This method is based on Reverend Rosalyn L Bruyere of the Healing Light Center Church’s whole-body technique of Chelation. The process involves the rebalancing of chakra to create stability in the electromagnetic fields. Energy is moved up the patient’s body from the feet, through the major chakra system, to the crown chakra.

Both statistical data in the form of CT scans and biochemical profile, and reported effects in the form of interviews were collected. Statistical data taken at Showa General hospital was provided by the patient. All data provided to the patient was shared in confidence with the healing clinic.



The patient began a course of healing therapy on 4 September 2015, at which point was taking no other medical treatments. By December the patient reported no more pain, though this could be due to the healing intervention or the discontinuation of the chemotherapy course. In addition, however, the spread of cancer to the lymph nodes stopped, which cannot be attributed to the discontinuation of chemotherapy. At this point the patient officially terminated their course at the hospital and announced to continue with healing therapy alone.

Blood tests and biochemical tests taken at the concerning hospital were provided by the patient.

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Blood test results showed a return of Hb (haemoglobin), RBC (red blood cell count), Ht (haematocrit), PTL (platelet count), and WBC (white blood cell count) all to within normal levels.

The patient returned to school in April 2016 and in March 2017 started full-time employment. From mid to late 2016 the patient underwent immunology tests, showing a significantly improved general immunity rating.

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The immunology test showed an increase of general immunity based on various factors including NKG2D cell count, NK activity and cell count, CD4/CD8 rate, Lymph node count, and Granulocyte lymphocyte rate.



The healing treatment of a sertoli cell tumour in a 21-year-old male is continuing and showing great improvements. The patient has returned to regular blood and biochemical levels, an improved immunity rating, and alleviated discomfort to provide a better quality of life.

This indicates that healing therapies can show positive effects towards the relief and improvement of conditions that other medical treatment courses may not be able to address.

Takashi Tomita